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Notification of Board Changes


Access holdings plc (‘The Holdco) has announced the following changes to the Board of its Banking subsidiary, Access Bank PLC


Mrs Titilayo Osuntoki-Non-Executive Director

Mrs Osuntoki is an accomplished banker and Bussiness Consultant with almost 4 decades of professional experience. She worked with Guaranty Trust Bank from 1991 to 2011 where she served in various functions including foreign Exchange Desk;
Financial control and Risk Management; Corporate Finance and Commercial Banking.
She served as Executive Director between 2008 and 2011. Mrs Osuntoki was subsequently appointed Executive Director, Access PLC in 2013 where she effectively led the Bussiness Banking Division until her resignation in march 18, 2009.
She is currently the Chief Executive Officer, GRO Professional Service Limited, a business and management consulting firm.

She obtained a bachelor degree in Civil Engineering and an MBA from University of Lagos in 1987 and 2000 respectively. She is also an honorary senior Member of the charted institute of Bankers in Nigeria.

Her appointment has been approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria


Mrs. Anthonia Ogunmefun

The board also announces the retirement of Mrs Anthonia Ogunmefun as a Non-Executive Director with the effect from April 30, 2022 following her attainment of the Bank’s retirement age of Directors.

Mrs. Ogunmefun has confirmed that she as no disagreement with the board and there is no matter relating to her retirement that needs to be brought to the attention ot the regulatory authorities and shareholders.

The Board would like to express its appreciation to Mrs. Ogunmefun for her contributions to the Bank.

Please accept the assurance of our highest regard.